Using Time in Qualtrics Studies

Qualtrics enables us to make use of time information in many different ways There are many ways in which time is an important factor in running research studies.  Qualtrics enables us to make use of time information in many different ways, and this post outlines some of the uses of time information what you might … Read more

Multiple conditions in one Questionnaire

If creating an online study with multiple conditions, it is common to see people creating a different survey for each condition.  This can be quite inefficient due to jumping between conditions, and keeping common aspects of the questionnaire consistent across conditions.  Qualtrics has many powerful features for controlling multiple conditions in a survey study and … Read more

Using Loop and Merge to avoid repetition

There are often times in a questionnaire when the same items need to be presented repeatedly.  For example, maybe a set of group stereotype ratings need to be made for each of several groups;  self-ratings of personality attributes made when operating in each of several roles, or perhaps a respondent first indicates which of several … Read more

How do I get more meaningful variable names in SPSS

Many researchers are used to having to add this meaning within SPSS (or other packages) after data collection using variable  and value labels, but Qualtrics can actually do a lot to help with this. As default behaviour Qualtrics actually codes your responses for you (that is, the VALUE LABELS part of the traditional SPSS process), and … Read more

Why was Qualtrics adopted in Psychology and Neuroscience?

The School of Psychology and Neuroscience has adopted Qualtrics as its primary package for online human data collection. Qualtrics has a number of advantages for use in human research in psychology that meets both the needs of researchers and ethics committees. Just a few of these advantages include: Qualtrics can handle a wide-range of question … Read more